God Has a Purpose for Your Relationships
From the very beginning, God demonstrates His value of marriage and family. We affirm God’s honor of marriage between a committed husband and wife and desire to help you find God’s purpose for your relationship. Because these relationships are a part of God’s design, we have tools that will help you navigate your relationships. Whether you are thinking about getting married, building your marriage and family, or walking through a difficult place, there is a plan just for you.
"Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage."
Christian Counseling
We strongly support and encourage Christian counseling. We believe that many individuals wait until they are suffering deeply before pursuing professional support. Why wait? If you know your marriage could be stronger and you are tired of repeated arguments, consider beginning counseling today. We partner with Wabash Friends Counseling Center who uses our building during the week to conduct multiple counseling sessions. You can schedule with them by calling 877-350-1658 or emailing We also recommend Life Center Counseling Services located in south Marion. Find out information or call their office to schedule with a Christian counselor at 765-674-2208.
Contact Us
Email to begin a confidential conversation to help your unique needs.